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Pterygium (Surfer's eye)

Pterygium Before and After

About Pterygium

Pterygium is a proliferation of fibrovascular tissue, which starts on the sclera (white part of the eyes) and can grow on the cornea, affecting vision. When the pterygium does not respond to clinical treatment, and the patient has many symptoms, surgery is indicated.

What Is Treatment Like?

Pterygium surgery consists of removing the diseased layer, associated with autologous conjunctival transplantation, where the conjunctiva that will be used for transplantation comes from the patient himself. In cases where it is not possible to use the patient's conjunctiva, amniotic membrane can be used.

After Pterygium Surgery

The pterygium may re-grow after surgery, especially if the pterygium was removed only, without conjunctival transplantation. The technique with conjunctival transplantation greatly reduces the recurrence rate.

The conjunctival transplant can be fixed with thread or with biological glue. In cases where thread is used, the patient must return in 10 to 14 days to remove the stitches.

Regardless of the technique used, it is recommended that, after surgery, all patients wear sunglasses outdoors, in addition to avoiding factors that stimulate the growth and recurrence of the pterygium, such as air conditioning, wind and, mainly, exposure solar.

Contact us at 818-990-0088 for more information!

Our Services

Our practice provides the following services: The entire spectrum of eye care including general eye exams, treatment of medical eye disorders, cataracts, and cosmetic procedures. We have a broad experience in treating patients with glaucoma, macular degeneration, dry eye syndrome, pterygium, lasik surgery and many other disorders. 

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